Queen B's (chandelier's crash)

The next following day, was hard times for Luna, Bryan and Ruby.In just a few weeks, they'd lost three beloved people.
Ruby:Who else after this?Luna, Bryan, or...me?
Luna:We can't give up.We must fight back.Let's stay together.Don't be apart.
Bryan:She's right, Ruby.Besides, I'm a man, I can protect both of you.You'll be safe with me.
Luna:Look, Bryan's here.There's nothing to be afraid of.

The next morning, Luna and Bryan went to the police station, for further interrogation.The police still can't find any evidences for Aviva's death.On their way back home, their car's engine broke down.Both their handphones can't reach the signals, so Bryan had to walk to ask for help in a town which was 2 km from their stranded place.Bryan managed to get a help at dusk.They went home straight after the car was fine again.Luna had a strange feeling.

When they opened the house's door, both of them were shocked that Ruby was hung on a huge chandelier lamp.She was murdered too.The chandelier lamp can't endure Ruby's weight and then it fell on the floor, crashing Ruby's body.Luna screamed as loud as she can.Ruby's body crushed badly.Lots of blood were spilt.It was a horrible death.


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