Perpetual Saviour (eclipse)

Maximus began to tell Angela about what had happened thousands of years ago.
Maximus:We're humans like you thousands of years ago, my oldest brother, Gregory Alcantre fell in love with Helga Christoph, your ancestors.She is a sorcerer's daughter.My brother promised her father to take a good care of her and indulge her.If he breaks the vow, we'll all be turned into an unforgiven creature, a bloodluster.Dracula.
Angela:What happened next?
Maximus:One night, something deadly happened.Helga slipped her leg and fell on a sharpened stick, it is for decoration only.Unfortunately, Helga died just after that.My brother can't forgive himself, so he killed himself using the same sharpened stick.The sorcerer found out about this and cursed all of us.Only one thing can turn us back into humans.Only one thing.
Angela:I think I know, the 'thing' is me.
Maximus:Only one of the last descendants of Christophs who has the serpent mark can help us.We must eat her heart on the eclipse of the moon.And the date is the day after tomorrow.
Angela:What? My heart?Somebody save me.
Maximus:Don't be afraid, I don't have the heart to see you die.We'll figure a way to escape from here without being suspected by Michaelangelo.I can't imagine what could happen to us if he knows about this.
Angela:I can see kindness in you, you're different from the others, you're gentle.
Maximus:I can see how lonely you are, but just one thing I ask from you,don't bleed in front of me.I have a terrible bloodlust.
Angela:I shall, and thank you, I've never see someone as kind as you.You have a golden heart.
Both Angela and Maximus had fallen in love, a deadly love that will bring them to a sorrowful end.They didn't know what awaits them in the future.


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