anda bley boh tajuknyer seniri.....

Ahlan wasahlan to this entry......
k, sebenrnya pd 10-12 dis dulu I pi makan angin,mkn ayam,mkn buah hehe....pokoknya melancong lah!Kat mana?Hmmm....I x ley abaq ...cuma I nk trgelak wktu pi mkn kt sebuah restoran tuh....adik I kan 'perut labuh'(mkn bnyk) dhla pesan nasi goreng ayam,pastu air horlicks ais,pastu dhla ada chicken chop pastu,abah I pesan air milo ais,dia kata kat abah I.....
Adik:Aaa,abah ayaq milo tu abah rasa abah nk perhabis dak? (mksudnyer dia nk perhabis la tu,perut raksasa tolll)
Abah:Ang toksah dok jd iblis sgttt,mkn x renti-renti...
aku,mama,ayong teruih gelak trbahak2....kan bagus kalo kata ''hang jgn dok tamak sgt,'' kan ok....


Assalamualaikum,kpd pembaca2 yg disegani....dan follower2 yg dihargai (ceh,cam nk buat karangan ucapan ja..kihkih) I sebenaqnya boring thp super duper dh nih,nk pegang buku malas...dan tetiba I terpikiaq 1 idea....I nk recycle kad2 kawin yg banyak,I nk buat kraf(my style) so paham2 la,x brapa cntik,ada org nk menyedapkan hati I,mak I kata oklah tu......pastu I bkk internet google I tulih la ''kraf kad kahwin;;
pastu I nk trgelak gak sbb tetiba dia keluaq''tempahan kad kahwin,hantaran,cenderahati tetamu etc.'' haiyya bilamasa aku nk kawin? @#$% tol...sorry2...
pastu I tulisla recycle kad kahwin ...don't ask me apa plak yg kluaq....geram tolll,ingtkn nk dpt sumting yg kretif.....hmmm
I tgh demam narnia nih.....teringin plak nk dpt watak lucy pevensie...hehe,rasanya kena stop buat kraf kad kahwin,tp buat kraf cermin sbb x cukup nk cermin diri sndiri,aparahhh lucy pevensie konon,muka cam jabulani (bola sepak rasmi piala dunia 2010)....hehe bknnya ngutuk ciptaan allah,I bersyukur dpt muka camni jgn cntik sgt,jgn hudoh sgt....



Yeah ,it's right,Narnia oh Narnia,narnia best,best,hope I'm king edmund hehe
Narnia Voyage of the Dawn treader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

360 DEGREES (Final Battle-love)

She handed in the tape to Mr. Fordes,the one who taught her about the importance of upholding the truth,and banishing the evil.She knew know that everybody has the right to attain justice.She learnt a lot of things there, in the prison cell.She was walking aimlessly at the park,where ''Your Highness'' William proposed to her before.She cherished those beautiful moments,she wished every moment froze.Then,she heard a voice behind her.
''Everybody wishes to turn back the time when they did a mistake,but I won't.Because I believe that maybe one of those mistakes is a blessing in disguise.I thought I loved the wrong girl,maybe it's true what people say,there are abundance of beautiful girls outside there would die for me,like sand on the beach,but I don't want sand,I want a diamond,and now I know that one of my mistakes is diamond,a diamond that I'ld die for.''
She recognized that voice,the angelic voice,and yes,the voice is......
William:Crystal Delilah Brewster,will you marry me?And share your whole life with me?Remind me of why I love you...
Crystal:(Burst into tears) I'm your beautiful damsel...
William:And I'm your white knight...
They hugged, full of passion,watched by beautiful fallen leaves in the fall, a season where love and sacrifice unite these two hearts of different social status.
Want to know the rest of story?I'll tell you.
1.Mrs. Sparks accepted Crystal and regarded her as her biological daughter.
2.Matt was sentenced to death penalty,he was sent to electrical chair.Plus,he got a very very cruel ''roommates''.


OLLA!!!!I ada blajaq bhs rusia sket drpd kakak I.....
''mi nie zavout fatin afifah''mksudnyer...nama saya fatin afifah...hehe...tu jer yg reti...

I nk cerita psl citer baru yg akn I tulis,dia mcm the devil wears prada tp I ubah dia punya plot,hehe I bknnya citer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yg brjela2 lg merapu dana,hehe....
Citer ni mengishkan ttg seorang perempuan 24 thn,lulusan universiti YALE dlm bidang penulisan dan dia krja di majalah fsyen yg meletop yg trkenal dgn trendy nyer,brandnyer,dan.......of coz ketua penerbitnyer nyer, Sylvia DeWitt yg trkenal dgn kekejamannya,haha..dialah seorg wanita yg mampu membuat anda menangis,atau dgn straight mendaftarkan diri di rumah skit jiwa scr sukarela...dialh yg membuat Cruella DeVill yg jht nmpk mcm patung bunny yg cute.Hnya yg kuat mmpu yg x best,i baru baca bberapa helai buku the devil wears prada tu,dpt la some new ideas,tp tgk2 nk sama cam style lah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tp i akn jaukan diri dr sama dgn style insyaallah


Entry ni inspirasi drpd blog kwnku yg tercinta(buwekkk,muntah drh 2 liter)hehe....Nur najihah la tu ,....dia cerita knp dia suka school......I pon nk citer gak la nape I agk suka school...

1.I ni kaki tido...kalo cuti skolah ja,mesti mangkit plg baguih setakat ni kol 10 pg,plg terok pkl 1400...hehe....translate sendiri wktu tu....(suboh I x brani tinggal yek)...kalo wktu sekolah I x bnyk tido,bnyk nyembang(lg bagus pd tido,tp jgn ngumpat udah le...)

2.kalo dok skolah,I blh gak thn mkn,sbb x bwk duit,x leh beli...(kdg2 hutang nawal.....perangai hudoh btol)kalo dok rumah abah suka beli nasik lemak!Godaan yg agk dhsyat bg saya......aromanya sukar ditumpaskan,akhirnya ku tersungkur dek belaian manja sambal,ikan bilis dan telurnya.......lps tewas ngan nasik lemak pi salahkan abah plak...baguih punya anak.

3.dia rasa malas nk pegang buku,kalo kt skolh ada gak semangat,tp kt umah hampehhhh......

4.kat skolh ada aktiviti gak,ni dok kt umah,dok melengung ja,kalah kerbau,dia rajin lagi pi membanting tulang kt sawah......malu kt makhluk len...

5.dkt skolh bley bergaul mesra ngan kengkawan.cerita psl vampire diaries la,criminal minds la,ghost whisperer laaaa,pastu dok nyanyi duet ngan nawal....(la ni dak dh,sbb kecoh psl kes lagu2 inggeris la ni,x brani sebut satgi kena tindakan)

ok lah,akhir kalam,semoga anda berbahagia selalu...laugh and the whole world laugh with you,cry and you cry alone.
p/s:I x penah bg tazkirah dlm blog tp,I nk bagitau solatlah subuh pd wktunya dan kalo boleh buat solat sebelum subuh(qabliah) ganjarannnya mmg x terhitung bnyknya...insyaallah kita boleh!!!!

360 DEGREES (Frozen)

Crystal agreed to cooperate with the cops.They embarked on a plan.Crystal met Matt one day.
Crystal:You lie to me...the cops had found Katy's dead body!You murdered her!
Matt:Oh yeah,I'm so frightened,I killed peoples!
Crystal:Stop faking Matt!You're not going to get away with this.You know what I think of you?You are not much different from a parasite,you pretend to be good,caring,but inside,you are a boogey in disguise!
Matt:Listen here stupid,maybe you are freed now,but you've no proof against me,nothing's legal without proof!And yes,I killed them!So what are you going to do now?I'll give you a chance,keep it mum, andI'll give you some cash,which is enough to support your life or you can follow your ''twin'',Georgina....
Crystal:I'm not afraid because I believe that the truth will be upholded!Maybe it's true,the love to money is the root for all evil,and you are the best example,Matthew!
Matt:Get out of my sight,I feel like puking seeing you!
Crystal walked away,out from the his lair.How can he call himself a human?If he thinks that he is smart,the police is smarter,Crystal recorded their conversation,every moment was taped.

360 DEGREE (Failed plans)

That night,Crystal can't sleep.She keeps thinking about Katy,Andrew and everyone who's involved in this horrific scenario.Then,she made a decision.She's going to tell the truth.She tell Mr. Fordes everything that she knows,about Matt's dirty secrets.The police follow Matt because he is now the prime suspect.He did nothing suspicious.
*actually,jari jemari I letih la nk tulih psl Matt nih.....I straight to the point ja,buat pa cerita bnyk2....sorry.....*
Matt is caught,the truth was out.Actually,he is the one who is jealous with Georgina.He tried to seduce her,so that they will get married and he will be damn rich.But,Georgina was not interested in him,not at all.Georgina loves Andrew so much.So,he made a plan,an evil plan.Destroying Georgina.He is so lucky,that he found a damsel in distress,who looks exactly like Georgina.He's going to exploit her,yeah she's stupid and not important.This is the list of Matt's plan:
1.Kill Georgina.Just as a revenge.Just want her to die.Nothing else meant.
2.Found a fake Georgina,needing help.Got a better plan,revenge and conquering Fahrenheit.
3.Make her think that I am a nice gentleman,so she will bow to me.
4.Andrew is interested in her,good he is rich too.
5.Abducts Katy,feed her to 10 hungry G. Shepherds.May God bless you Katy.You are a big help to me.I hate beggars.
6.Threat Crystal,make her marry Andrew and then I'm going to kill Mrs. Williams.Crystal will be the heir of Fahrenheit.
7.Kill Andrew.She'll be a damn rich widow.And force her to marry me,if she wants Katy alive.(Haha,Katy's dead, stupid)
8.Keep her stressed,so she can't think anymore and if she wants happiness again,give all her wealth to me and then I'll kill her with arsenic,the silent killer.Nobody will know what is the cause of her death.
But, this is just a plan,man proposes,god disposes.Poor Matt,yeah don't be a bad boy,bad boy always get hurt in the end.Remember an idiom saying that ''what goes around comes back around''.It goes perfectly with you,Matt.Before you embark on a revenge,dig two graves.

360 DEGREE (Lie for life)

Mrs. Williams is so angry,the girl whom she thought as her sweet daughter is an impostor.She thinks Crystal is the murder of her daughter-to conquer their wealth of course!Crystal is arrested,she's now alone in the prison,overwhelmed by fear,of losing Andrew.He'll be very angry.That's not the only scenario,Matt,the antagonist visited her,and warns her not to tell the truth.Sometimes,there's some truth that has to be kept secret.She keeps on thinking what's going to happen to Katy,her best friend forever?That night,Crystal is being interrogated by a police officer named Mr. Fordes.
Mr. Fordes:State your real name and age.
Crystal:Crystal Delilah Brewster,26.
Mr. Fordes:Where are you the night Georgina Williams was killed?
Crystal:I,I follow her to kill her.I,I,..know a lot about her.
Mr. Fordes:Tell me the truth,don't ever lie.Remember,this is a high-profile victim.You'll be sent to the electrical chair if it is proven that you kill her.I repeat,electrical chair.
Crystal:I'm telling the truth!I am the one who killed her and I can give you the motive.It's jealousy,I'm jealous of her.
Mr. Fordes:Miss Brewster,I'm experienced in interrogating people.And I can tell whether someone is speaking the truth or telling lies.And I don't know why,but I can sense lie in the air.
Crystal:Please,Mr. Fordes.Try to understand me,imagine if you're in my shoes,you'ld do the same thing.(She cries and cries,she wishes to tell the truth,but she can't).
Mr. Fordes:Alright,I'll give you time to think it all over again before I record your confessions.Remember,honesty is the best policy.Sometimes,we get the chance,maybe once in a lifetime,to correct the situation,to do the right thing.Because,I think you know who is the killer,and it'll be a great help if you help us.Many lives will be saved.Trust me.

360 DEGREE (Frugal happiness)

Time moves so fast,a week is gone,and now it's time to express her answer.Is she doing the right thing?
Crystal:Andrew,I've think about it,and I,I am ....willing to be your bride.But,ask yourself,do you really love me,what if I'm not a conglomerate's daughter,what if I'm just a beggar?Will you still love me?
Andrew:Thank you baby!You shouldn't ask this,I will always,forever and eternity loving you and I'm willing to die for you,more than die.Wealth is not the issue,I love you because you're wealthy,wealthy with compassion.
Crystal is so relieved.
Crystal:I love you too,more than everything,nobody ever love me the way you are.
Andrew:Okay,let's be husband and wife next Monday,the same day I proposed to you,and I want a son and two daughters,it will be great.
Crystal:You've thought that far?I don't even think about it yet!
Andrew:Is it wrong,I'm a bit 'enthusiastic'.
Monday,two hearts are about to unite.Crystal is so beautiful in her white bridal ensemble.And Andrew is so hot in his black exquisite tuxedo,with bow-tie.But,happiness doesn't seem to let this couple happy when suddenly,Mrs. Williams got a phone call,from the police.They have found Georgina's body.
wedding is postponed,everyone's shocked.
In a morgue in a hospital,
Police:Mrs. Williams,is this your daughter?
Mrs. Williams is so shocked,her heart crushed,the burnt body,the 45% rotten body is indeed her daughter looking at a birthmark on her left arm.
Mrs. Williams:No,this is not true,my little daughter is still alive!Where did you found her?
Police:There are 2 boys bombing fish at a river,near the woods,then they saw a pair of woman hands glued with cellophane tape on the car's driving wheel,floating on the surface of water.Whoever the murderer is he or she is smart because this tactique is quite difficult.

360 DEGREE (Obsession and deception)

Crystal go straight to Matt,the person who brought her to this drama.
Crystal:Matt,you ought to help me,it's Andrew,he proposed to me,he gives me a week to think about it thoroughly.
Matt:What's the matter,just marry him,then the story ends.
Crystal:I can't believe you say that?Hey,it is ain't a small problem,it's a marriage,it's about someone's feelings,dignity!Andrew is someone crucial,imagine he will be so ashamed knowing that he is marrying a beggar like me!
Matt:Come on baby,hang it on.You'll be Georgina forever,and nobody's going to know that Crystal's exist.Remember,Crystal Brewster is dead!And, don't worry,Georgina will never come back,never come back......(he smirked)
Crystal:What are you talking about?Georgina,what's going on with her?Oh my,you kill her!Murderer!You'll never get away with this!
Matt:Hey stupid,who are you,you're just nobody,remember I am someone with a heart of gold who picked you up from the streets.Now,nobody's going to know that I am Georgina's killer.If you dare to spill out the beans,I swear I'll kill you,and you don't have to worry about your future,coz I'll make sure it ends that moment!Oh,one more thing,you still remember your beggar friend,Katy?She's now surrounded by 10 hungry German Shepherds.If you want to let her see another beautiful sunrise,keep your mouth shut!And marry that Andrew,we're going to be rich,don't worry I'll give you 25% of their wealth.
Crystal:You animal,stay away from Katy,she's innocent,alright I'll do as you say,but you must stick to your promis!Mark my words.
She left the room,feeling so poignant,it is all her fault,she shouldn't trust that wolf in sheep disguise.And now,she's stucked,between a devil's greed and an angel's love and trust.

360 DEGREE (Teenage dream)

On a breezy Monday afternoon,Andrew and Crystal meet at the romantic,picturesque Dawson's Park.He brings a nice nice Strawberry Sundae for her,he has a plan,a secret plan.
Andrew:Hi sunshine,here have this,I made it,from heart.
Crystal:Wow,you made it,how thoughtful,I don't know that you can cook.
Andrew:I love cooking,it's my fave pastime,I feel uneasy if I don't touch the cooking stove,funny right?
Crystal:I think you're sweet,honestly.Let me have this,shall I?
Andrew:Yeah,you may,eat it slowly,enjoy it.
Crystal eats the alluring Sundae.It is so scrumptious,the best Sundae she ever taste!Andrew is irresistible.Suddenly,something stucked on her spoon,something shiny,oh my-IT'S A DIAMOND RING!
Crystal:What is this?
Andrew kneel before her,and say
''I fell in love with shawty when I see her on the first sight,she was dancing in my mind,I can't sleep without her,she's my missing puzzle piece,now I found her,and I'm complete..who's shawty?Shawty is you.
''Georgina Adelle Williams,from the bottom of my heart,the deapest core,will you be my bride?''
Crystal:Andrew,I,I'm not like what you think of,I'm not ....,I'm not.....
Andrew:It's aright if you want some time to think,I won't force you,but honey,please say yes,coz I need you now,how about a week?I'm waiting .

360 DEGREE (The most perfect perfection perfected)

Mrs. Williams arranges a romantic 'meeting' between Crystal and Andrew.Crystal is so shocked,Andrew is so perfect,high cheekbones,a tough seducing physique,a face carved by an angel...she's starstrucked!She's speechless,like there's an army of ant biting her tongue.Plus,she just find out that Andrew is ain't no ordinary gentleman,he's undeniably smart.He used to be the BEST STUDENT OF BROWN UNIVERSITY,I repeat Brown University!Plus,he owns an empire,not a business.In fact,his empire is larger and more powerful than Fahrenheit,the best company in Europe.And Georgina is likewise.She's also smart,a bright student in New York University,managing a gigantic company successfully,dependable,etc.They are the perfect match.Oppss-I'm not Georgina,I'm Crystal,I'm an ex-beggar.I wonder what will he say to me,when he knows that the woman whom he thought as being 'perfect' is actually a beggar?The fact that he will marry a beggar in disguise?Help me,I'm stucked.Georgina,please come back home.Save me from this tough situation.Andrew Browder falls in love with Georgina since she was eight,they play together,eating ice-cream together,it's like they're destined to be together.And Andrew thought Georgina must be an arrogant girl-yeah it has been a long time,maybe she changes,but he changes his notions towards her when he sees Crystal,the humble Crystal.

360 DEGREES (cardiac arrest,cadillac a wrist)

He brings her to a majestic,magnificient mansion,where else,Georgina's mansion of course!Mrs. Williams is so shocked seeing Crystal whom she thought as Georgina,her daughter.
Mrs. Williams:Darling, you're back!I'm so glad that you're here,where have you been sweety?
Matt:She is found lost in the jungle,I found her while I'm on my way to Euclid's Creek.
Mrs. Williams:Oh,I see,thanks Matthew,you're such a big help to us.
Matt:Don't mention it,Mrs. chairperson.It's my duty to Fahrenheit.
Mrs. Williams:Georgina,you must be tired,I'll call the maids to attend you.Take a lot of rest darling.
Crystal:Thanks,Madam,I mean,
Starting from that day,everything's so perfect.She wears Georgina's heavenly clothes,designer shades,killer heels-everything's paradise!

Matt teaches her all about Georgina-her walks,styles,smiles stc.She did it great!She's now 96.6% Georgina!One day,the fake Georgina got a bombshell.
Mrs. Williams:Do you like children,Georgina?
Crystal:I do,I like it when they run,laugh....
Mrs. Williams:Do you still remember Andrew Browder?He's your playmate when you're eight.
Crystal:I,I don't really remember him...why?
Mrs. Williams:Why don't you,....marry him?It's your father's wish.Plus,he comes from a courteous,wealthy family.It will really be a music to my ear if you agree to be his wife.
Crystal:(Oh my,what have I done)I'll think about it first,mom.I don't really like to rush into things.

360 DEGREE (Who's that girl)

Her personal assistant,Matthew Reyes is at wit's end,yeah his boss is missing.He must do something to overcome this tough situation.Rumours grow at a quantum pace-Fahrenheit Corporation is going down,the investors start to think twice about investing their cash in the company.The iron lady is gone,can Fahrenheit survive?One day,Matthew is walking aimlessly at the pavement,near Times Square and he is so shocked.He sees Georgina,but she's so different.She wears a shabby grey t-shit,shoe-less feet,she looks exactly like a beggar!And what makes him shocked the most is the fact that she is just about to eat some nachos obtained from the nearby dustbin.''Am I dreaming,somebody pinch me!''He said.He went straight to her,staring in curiosity.
Matt:Hello,miss err...lady er...I'm sorry.What is your name?
Mysterious girl:(She tries to run away from him,scared of him).
Matt:No,no,don't be scared of me!I'm a good guy,I mean no harm.
Mysterious girl:I'm Crystal,Crystal Brewster.
Matt:Oh,I see.Are you hungry?I can take you to the best restaurant here,would you care for a meal
Crystal:I,I don't know,I must go now..
Matt:No,don't go,please...
Crystal:Alright,I'll go with you.
They go to La Bamba,the best Mexican restaurant in New York.Matthew tries to break the ice.
Matt:Crystal,can I ask you for a favour?
Crystal:Anytime,but you've been so nice to me,I.....
Matt:Do you know Georgina Williams?
Crystal:I don't know her.
Matt:(Holding his cellphone and he shows to her Georgina's pictures)this is her,Crystal,just like a mirror to you!She is the CEO of Fahrenheit Corporation!
Crystal:(Stunned,speechless)She looks like a twin to me!Oh my!
Matt:She's missing now,and I need your help.Please impersonate her,just until we found her,not forever.Please never say neverI'll help you.I'll teach you everything I know about her,her styles,walks,accent,and lots more!Just don't disappoint me,please.
Crystal:Alright,you have my hand,I'll try my best.
Matt:Thanks,you're a great salvation to me,to Fahrenheit Corporation her.

360 DEGREE Miss American dream)

In an office,1.37 p.m.the CEO of Fahrenheit Corporation is being interviewed by a reporter.Guess what?She just won an award-The Most Eligible Bachelorette by Vogue magazine!It is a dream title dreamed by young,pretty girls.Yeah,that's what I mean,the one and only,Miss Georgina Williams,or should I call her Miss American dream?She is an extremely hot 27 year-old brunette,who inherits family business,Fahrenheit Corporation,a company that supplies materials for industries.They got branches in Greece,Southeast Asia and Middle-East.An iron woman of course.She lives in a majestic residence in New York with her beloved mom,Mrs. Elizabeth Williams.Her husband died 3 years ago,due to heart failure leaving Georgina as the heir.But,one day,New York got a bombshell-Georgina Williams is nowhere to be found!She's missing after attending a ceremonial dinner at a hotel.Abundance of alternatives are implementated to look for her.Searching operations,offering rewards,newspapers,and lots more.But all they got is nothing,not even a single information.Her fate remains a mystery,a riddle.Where is Georgina Williams?

THE REGINA'S LULLABY (an epilogue)

Astrid's really a magnet to danger.She was walking alone in the forest,finding time for herself.Then,a mishap happened.A tree branch fell on her.Blood's flowing endlessly,she's just a human,a mere human,she's dying.I went to her.
Lyn:Why're you here,forest is perilous you know!
Astrid can't talk......she just stared at me,it's like she wanted to tell me something...
I must do something,I won't just stand and stare,I knew how to cure her,but it is risky,and there's no other way.A life for a life,that's the rule of the vampire's world.This means,a sacrifice.Il mio angelo is ain't no ordinary talisman.It is sacred and powerful.I put it on Astrid,I uttered some spell,and it disappeared,went into Astrid's 'anatomy'.It's like a second life for Astrid-and an end for me.I can't live without it,the sun's basking on me,I'm in pain.I left her there.I must go home,I can't die here.
In a blink of an eye,I'm home.I opened the curtain wide,prepared the bed.It's like in my fantasy.I wish I could die peacefully on my bed,surrounded by sons and daughters and grandchildren,it is indeed a picturesque dream.But,this time no family,just bed and a beautiful red rose on my chest.The sun's getting hotter,it's like an inferno.I started to burn,and burn and burn.And I know he's hiding behind the curtain.
Lyn:Please take good care of Astrid....Enrique.
Enrique:I shall.
And then I sang something,a lullaby,it is called The Regina's Lullaby,Margaret often sang it to me before,when she was combing my hair.
Everything's ended just like what I ever wanted,die in doing something noble,something crucial,something to be proud of when I die.Just don't forget me,Astrid,I'll always stay immortal in your heart,in every single breath you inhale,in every single dream you dream.Au revoir,Astrid.

THE REGINA'S LULLABY (tale as old as time)

Almost a century ago,I was someone different.My name is Raquelle Van Der Blanc.I am the only daughter of Monsieur Guzmann Van Der Blanc,and Izabelle Van Der Blanc.We are the richest family that age.I got everything I want,gold in the spring and diamond in the fall.I don't even have to lift a finger,everything's right in front of my eyes.Just like other damsels,I fell in love too.With a very wealthy guy,Alexander Reyes.He was so charming,he mesmerizes me everytime he smiles.
I'm starstrucked.I thought he really likes me.Then,I got a bombshell,he was indeed in love with my maid,Geraldine.I was so ashamed,what am I supposed to tell my parents,my friends.....I'm at my wit's end.I hate her,so I fired her.One day,I followed them in the woods,I got green eyes looking at those lovey-dovey.Then...
Astrid:Then...what happened...
Alexander is not a human,he is a vampire!In the blink of an eye,I saw what he did.He assaulted her,bit her and drank her blood till the last drop.I then did something foolish,I screamed.He saw me and.....he drank my blood,but it's not finished,he stopped and then my blood bursted out of his mouth,he screamed in pain,I don't know why.Then,Margaret,my assistant came and held my hand.She explained everything to me,she told me before that Alexander was not a good man,she told me to stay an arm length from him,but I ignored her.He died after drinking my blood because,I wore a pendant,il mio angelo,family heirloom.But,that was just the beginning.He just drank a bit of my blood,I'm not dead,just having a half-life, cursed life.Yeah,it changed me,I am just like him,a vampire,bloodlustre.I can't be exposed to the sunlight,I must wear this pendant to stay alive.If it is missing or destroyed,I'll become weak,lethargic,paralyzed and then....die slowly and painfully.
Astrid:That's why you managed to heal yourself,that you are super genius....
Lyn:I've told you my story,it's up to you to keep it as a secret or...
Astrid:I will,your secret is safe with me.Mark my words.
Lyn:And you,what's your name?You always helped us in perilous times,you are so strong,those vampires are afraid of you...who you are?
He smirked....
The anonymous vampire:I'm Enrique,I know you Raquelle,we've met before,you nearly drowned,I save you and then you yell at me,I thought I supposed to get a 'thank you'.I am a vampire from south,they're afraid of me because I am their master,they betrayed me,and I swore to myself they're going to pay for it.


Astrid is now the sole heir of Kirchnerr real estate bussiness.She is now one of the Virginia's elite.She took a long leave to recover from her painful loss.She's still in grief.Nothing will ever be the same afterwards.
Months passed, now she seems to forget all those bad memories,and go on with her new life as the new CEO of her family's business.One day,I saw her on the bench near a lake,staring into space,aimlessly.I tried to approach her,maybe she'll forget all the bad things about me...maybe we can be friends again?Then,something awful happened.Those 3 culprits!They were there-even darker,rageous and stronger.Oh my.They attacked me,I can't take it!I fought tooth and nail.The female one,tried to get her revenge paid off,gave a ''free introduction'' punch on my cheeks.I felt like I was just being hit by a log!Then,I fought back,don't call me Raquelle if I'ld just cry like a baby.Then,the male one strike an attack against me,then he stabbed me with a silver stick.I stopped for a while,I'm at the end of my's so hurt,it's like you've been rip off alive!I started to fall down,then my mysterious hero came and fought them,he was so undeniably strong.Without wasting time, he pulled the stick out of my chest.I'm saved-again.Then,I looked at Astrid,she's safe.But,she saw what happened,she saw the whole scene.
Astrid:You owe me an explanation,Lyn...
Lyn:Alright,but promise me you will keep this as a secret,I ask for nothing,but just keep this as a secret...(I looked at her,then I looked at the anonymous vampire).

THE REGINA'S LULLABY ( lesson learnt)

Astrid then woke up,finding herself lying on the hospital bed.She hurt her right hand.It was broken due to the accident.Thank god,she was fine,hale and hearty.Then,the doctor came in,checking on her.
Astrid:What happened?
Doctor:(taking a deep breath,while throwing a merciful look at her)Dear,I want you to hold on,one day,everyone that we love will somehow leave us.......
Astrid:What do you mean?What happened to my parents?Tell me!!!
Doctor:Yur car explode after the accdnt, your father and mother were burnt.We hardly identify their bodies,we can only identify them by their dental records.The police found you stranded just a few metres from the scene.
Astrid:(she can't accept the fact) lie!They're still alive,the bodies are not my parents,they won't leave me!!(Astrid tried to leave her bed).
Doctor:You are not well yet,I told you to hold on!Nothing's perfect!If horses were wishes, beggars would ride,Astrid!I saw a lot of people lose their loved ones, in this very hospital!You should be thankful because you are still alive,not blaming your destiny,screaming like a madman,just please Astrid,pity yourself,your parents would be very sad if they see you like this..please Astrid.
Astrid:(Started to feel calmer)Why did my parents were taken away from me?Why?
Doctor:There's always a silver lining behind every cloud, trust me ,something good will happen and you'll be beyond happy.And,I gotta go now,and one more thing, Inspector Jaycee Duggard would like to interrogate you,about the incident,just for further details,police's thing.They're puzzled how can you survive from the explosion,it's a miracle.


I followed her to Bahamas.They owned a nice,majestic villa there.They went shopping,they also went to Venice Beach,try to tan their tones under the basking sunshine.It's picturesque!They spent three days 2 nights there.It's time to go home.They took a long,winding highway,it's dark and hair-raising.They could be the moderate-risk victims.When you earn victimology,those who take dark roads or lanes are known as moderate-risk victims.Thanks to Criminal Minds!
Yeah-something did happened that night.Mr. Kirchnerr's Cadillac was about to hit someone.Oppss-no,no,no.It's not someone,it's a vampire.Remember the fight I had with the 3 tremendous vampires?It's them-on a quest to seek vengeance!Astrid is one of Anvolio's descendants.She is called ''royal blood'' because Anvolio was once the vampires' ruler-a cold-blooded one.He relentlessly slayed humans,and other weaker vampires.But,nobody can object him because his blood was pure,''sangue reale'' a.k.a royal blood are sacred in vampires' kingdom.Royal blood must be abide.It's like signing your own death warrant by disobeying Anvolio's demands.The three were among those who became victims of Anvolio's ruthless acts.They strived for a revenge,it's not enough to just vanquish Anvolio's alone,each of his bloodline must die.The male vampire stopped the car with his bare hands and pushed the Cadillac till it fell of the highway and stranded,thus hit the trees there.There is a forest beside the highway.Astrid was in grave danger,those vampires were going to slay her alive and drink her irresistible blood.Astrid then fainted.

THE REGINA'S LULLABY ( the birthday girl )

Everything's getting worse.Those students were making fun of her.They called her ''the acid freak.''Now, the whole school knew what happened at the lab.Astrid Mignonette Kirchnerr was scold by Mrs. Sparks!She was so embarassed.It was just a minor accident,why did they prolong it?Besides,she was not lying, yeah,I did injured.Sorry,Astrid,I'm the reason why all this happened.Everytime I tried to approach her, she avoided me,worst,she hates looking at my face!One fine day,I went to her room,just to check on her,I'm afraid she'll do something stupid.I looked at the dustbin, and guess what i see?My Dan Brown's novels were ''crying'' in the dustbin!Of course, technically, she threw them off!Then,I realized something, when you're a monster, you'll still be a monster forever and eternity!Fine, I'll forget my mission to save her.Maybe, things will be better if I try not to be''nice''.I'll be myself.
Saturday, November 19th,itwas Astrid's 17th birthday.Her parents promised her to take her on a vacation in Malibou, California.She was as gay as spring hearing that.It was like a music to her ear.It has been a long time since she was eleven,they enjoyed a vacation together,as a family.She looked fabulous.She put on a blue dress that looked plain on the hanger,but great on her.Wow oh wow,Astrid's damn beautiful.Then she hopped on her majestic Cadillac,and vroom vroom.....bye-bye home!

THE REGINA'S LULLABY (blooming friendship-at stake )

Months passed...I'm getting closer to Astrid,look,I'm right-she's nice.She started to appreciate things around her, she sees people through heart not through carat.Things were getting better,we went to canteen together,she bought me lunch,I bought her Dan Brown's novels.We were so sister-like.Life's great!But...nothing lasts long.One horrible day,in the Biology's lab..
I was holding a test tube filled with an acid.It's perilous-handle with care!nfortunately,in the blink of an eye,I accidentally slipped the test tube which contain a high-concentrated acid solution.My fingers burnt.The acid ''ate'' my fingers.It hurts,I feel like cutting them off!But, that's not the worst part.I'm a vampire, I possess an ability to heal myself.But,Astrid saw the incident,yeah,she was just by my side.I'm panicked.She screamed and immediately told Mrs. Sparks what happened.I can't use mind compulsion to stop her from telling the teacher,she was just too fast!Then, my finger healed themselves.No.....please,they're going to know the truth if I'm not injured!Then,the teacher arrived.She asked me to show my fingers,Irefused.She insisted,and whether I like it or not, I have to do that.
Astrid:Please, Mrs. Sparks,we need to take her to the emergency room,I saw with my very eyes,her fingers burnt!Hold on, Lyn!
Lyn:Look,there's nothing,Astrid.I think you just experience some sort of optical illusions, perhaps?(I hope that works!)
Mrs. Sparks:There's no injury here,Astrid,she's fine!
Lyn:Please don't scold her, she cares about me,yeah, the acid did fell,but not on my fingers it fell on the floor,look there.(Pointing at the ''innocent'' floor)
Astrid:I swear,Mrs Sparks!Lyn,I saw what happened,I won't lie!
Mrs Sparks:Cut the crap,Kirchnerr!We've wasted a lot of time here.Students, proceed with your experiment.Now!
Lyn:Astrid, I'm sorry for what happened,I never meant to...
Astrid:Yes, you're a witch!I know what I see is not a hallucination, it's real!I thought you're different,that's why you're so nice to me!
Lyn:Astrid, lend me your ear ,please, I need an explanation.....I..
Astrid:Stay away from me!
She looked at me with a rageous look.Hatred,yes.God, what've I done?Why is it so hard to be nice?WHY?

THE REGINA'S LULLABY ( an anonymous saviour )

That afternoon, Astrid was waiting for her dad to pick her up.Yeah, as usual, daddy's late again.She was so down in the drain.So, she walked home alone.On her way home, something unexpectable happened.A clan of vampires came to attack her.I'm so shocked!I thought that I am the only vampire ever lived in Buffalo!There are three of them, the blonde female,the red-haired male and the tan-skinned male.They approached Astrid.The blonde one slapped her,and Astrid collapsed.I must do something,I can't just stand and stare.
I ran as fast as I could, and I hit the blonde one.She didn't give up! She hit me back and the other two assisted her.I They relentlessly hit me.I'm getting weaker.But, I'm willing to die for Astrid.Astrid worth a meaningful life.I looked at Astrid, then I got an adrenaline rush,it triggers my spirit,light up my strength.Then, I launched an attack against them,I won't let even a scratch appear s on Astrid's skin.But, I'm just weak,there are three of them!Out of the blue,a male vampire came to help me, I don't know who is he.He is just undeniably strong.He just stared at them, and they ran from him.Who is he?After that, he just left, disappear like a phantom, I must know him.I owe him a life.
I approached the unconcious Astrid.I put my necklace, ''il mio angelo''on her chest,and I make a wish....''I solemnly swear that I am up to no good, please save her for the destiny she's destined for,greatness,she'll be an angel not a demon,please save the ''sangue reale''the royal blood princess, descendant of Guzman Anvolio Kirchnerr!
Soon, she woke up,I did it!
Astrid:( shocked and traumatised) Nooo!Don't hurt me,please.....
Lyn:Hey, take it easy,you're safe now, they're gone.
Astrid:What happened?
Lyn:It's a long story,you don't have to worry,you're safe now.
Astrid:I don't know why, but I 'm so relieved when you embrace me,it's like I'm surrounded by a halo,an angel's halo.It's so ''picturesque.''
Lyn:(I smiled ) It's alright, I'm glad to be with you.You're a nice girl.
Astrid:Me? A nice girl?Cut the crap, I'm a snobbish rich brat.
Lyn:Then change, turn over a new leaf.It's never too late to change.Believe me.
Astrid:You've been to nice to me, remember the first time we met, I've been so cold to you.I'm sorry.I wish I could turn the time back.
Lyn:Hey,I remember an adage saying that ''let bygone, be bygone.''Nobody's perfect.

THE REGINA'S LULLABY ( cool Haagen )

TIt's still the same.I thought maybe she'ld talk to me.But she won't.It's Biology, we're learning about brain structures.Subject I favoured the most.According to E. Fuller Torrey,''the brain is the most complicated things to be learned about.''And I agree.My professor, Mr. Kane asked us a question about brain of course.
Mrs. Kane:Can somebody tell me what is the ultimate function of paleopalium in the brain?
Nobody seems to know the answer, I know it......
Lyn:Mr. Kane, I think I know the's feeling.Paleopalium controls feeling.
Mr. Kane:Splendid, Miss Haagen! Now tell me what's the function of arkipalium?
Lyn: Err....I think it functions as a defensive mechanism, It helps to defend the body by showing aggressivity.
Mr. Kane: Now, tell me Miss Haagen, what is the disease called for someone who was born without a brain?
Lyn:It's anenchepal.And one more thing, if you were born with a lot of water in the brain, it is called hydrochepal.
Mr. Kane stared at me with a strange look.I know he was ashamed.Should I did that?I have no hidden agenda.I'm not gaining attention from anyone.I just....sharing the truth,then, what made me felt so guilty is when he turned his face-shamefaced.I'm sorry.I'm the new hot doll there.Because, I'm the first one to answer every Kane's questions aptly.

Astrid:Wow, I admit you're great.
Astrid:You know Kane?I hate him,last year he failed me.I should get B+ instead of C-.That's not fair.Now, an eye for an eye.I love his red face.
Lyn:I think you shouldn't do that,we can't hate others.But..
Astrid:It's not only me who hate that ane.Lots of peole hate him.
I smiled to her.

THE REGINA'S LULLABY ( ice queen )

Wonder how I know a lot about Astrid?I'm a vampire, of course I can take a sneak peek at her-no bathroom scenes!I'm not that het up!I still respect her as a human,somebody I should guide, to find herself, long lost Astrid.I watch with my super-duper sharp eye,how tears rolling down her rosy cheeks,yeah ,mom and dad forgot her birthday.They threw an apologetic look to her and some expensive gifts.So embarassing.
Thursday,29th June:I went to school like usual,wearing a plain blue t-shirt and a knee-length skirt-it's classic.It was History class, I sit just beside Astrid, I wish to say hi to her, but will she accept me as a friend?I don't have a Marc Jacobs handbag,let alone a Cadillac!But, I most go into her world, try to change her, so she won't repeat the same mistake I did hundred of years's devastating, it makes you feel like a Regina or a Queen,for a while.Nothing's free in this world, everything must be paid off.
That morning-recess, I saw her eating puttanesca at the bench in the school's garden...I approached her...
Lyn:Hi, I'm Lynette, Lynette Haagen, I'm new here, and i'ld really love to make friends here.
Astrid:(with a boring look)Whatever,friends bring nothing to save your time, don't waste it here.I'm not interested with a ''warm new friends' conversation.''
Lyn:I know how it's like, living alone, you have whatever you want, but actually they're just a mask, to hide your misery,to keep people an arm length from you.Don't be mad, I'm not going to be a wiseacre or what..I'm just.....
Astrid:Trying to butt in my personal life?I know I'm a cocky rich brat!People hate me!That I ....
Lyn:Need a friend?To talk to?I can be a shoulder to cry on and I can be a shield to protect you from grief...I've no hidden agenda to be friends with you,I'm sincere, deep to the core.I wish we could be friends.
Astrid:(stunned)I.......I....need to go....and I don't need a pal-at all.
I faked a smile, watch her going away,she still has it-the second chance.

THE REGINA'S LULLABY ( miss perfectionist )

But, I found this girl,Astrid Mignonette Kirchnerr.She resembles me in the past.She is the only daughter for a really,really rich couple.Mr. Kirchnerr is the owner of the largest real estate bussiness in Virginia,and he's going to open a new branch in Manhattan by July!I know this type of girl, she gets everything she wants, but everything she wants is not what she needs.She needs love from mommy and daddy.Mom, a beautiful first-class socialite,every night dine at the hotel with her damn rich socialite friends.Leaving poor Astrid alone, maids as companions.Just look at her wardrobe, you can see loads of Gucci handbags, Christian Louboutins' killer heels, heavenly, a masterpiece Versace gowns!Of course, mom and dad's presents for the time they missed,for every single moment they leave her alone, embrace loneliness.Opps, haven't I mentioned yet about her louder-than-loud ''Angel'' by Thierry Mugler perfume?It is a perfume that exudes classical sensuality,oozes extraordinary airy and light feeling.Ha-ha!And once again mom and dad foot the bill.They don't have to even pay throught their nose, they're wealthy.But, Mr and Mrs. Kirchnerr were wrong!Money can't buy everything!Astrid turns out to be a snobbish girl,she hates every cheap items,she would puke if she accidentally swallow cheap foods and beverages.''I need a better nourishment!'' That's what she said.

THE REGINA'S LULLABY ( lover or loner )

''Nobody can wear mask for a very long time''That's what Seneca said.That's what haunting me all this while.After hundreds of years, yes, I still living in fear.What would likely happen to me if those homo sapiens know who am I?There's nothing worse, maybe they're going to rip me off and burn me or...maybe they're going to 'poke' myself with a silver stick and let me disgrace,next destination-HELL,of course.I never ask for this, after 154 years, living alone, no family to love, no pals to mingle with......what do I have, huh?Oh, I know!I have a packet of Yevova tea, to abstain me from my uncontrollable bloodlust, yeah.How terrible my life is,I'm cursed, living a half-life.Migrating like a bird, so people won't find out that I'm actually a 154 year-old vampire!This monologue,why can only me hear it?I feel like screaming!I would love to tell the world that I worth a life,I am not evil,I only eat animals' blood!And...yeah, I forget one thing-I am indeed a MONSTER,that must be vanquished.
I miss my past life so much.I got a lot of maids to take care of me,to help me to put on a corset, so I'll look slimmer-wow.Everywhere I go, of course chaperoned by Margaret, she's like a mom to me.I used to be a ladyship,Mademoiselle Raquelle Van Der Blanc.Now, I've to change my name....every time I migrate.....I got a list of them:
1954-Rosaleen Whiston
1970-Brigitte Johannsson
1995-Lily Hubbart
2010-Lynette Haagen
Life as Lynette is not so challenging, nobody knows I'm a freak!They think I am just an ordinary girl from Corpus Cristi,come to Buffalo, Virginia to just study here.I'm new here, so they don't really know me.

sORRY...long time NO see...

ERMMM...holaa!!!finally, jari-jemari I ni kembali ke papan kekunci laptop nih....citer Aftermath tu terpaksa di'delete' coz' I x brani tulih takut jd betol...haha, apalah...lagipon ending dier agk menakutkan i x tau nk buat ending dier camner....hehe...

nnt 11/5 nnt nk exam...doakan I yer......aritu I tgk episode criminal minds yg plg i suka...CONFLICTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

best....I hampir teriak tau, I kan jenis yg mudah tersentuh, 2 hari x abih gi demam conflicted I tuh.....

ok...nnt I tulih lagi....bye

My Immortal

Sport's Day and more....

Hye!! Wzzup everybody?ok? I nk citer sket psl hari sukan kt skool I.Ok ja....x best sgt, x boring sgt....kan I msuk kawad,pastu kawad rumah I dpt no. 1..alhamdulillah.....dpt la I merasa hamper....kenyang perut....

I dok tgh tahan perut I, I kurangkan nasi, I x mkn petang, I minum bnyk air masak (gud for skin) .I sebenarnya tgh layan lagu best ni...if you seek amy by britney spears!!!Ermmm...berat I turun sikit jer...I sedeh sgt.I diet mcm nk mampos....huwaaaaa...

I just wanna go to the party she gon' go, can somebody take me home? hahahehehaho...(lirik lagu yg I tgh dgr).......

Utk bulan Februari ni I nk ucap 'happy birthday' kat NUR NAJIHAH kawan I....semoga you sihat sejahtera dan bahagia bersama femily....

Ok , that's all for now.Nnt tuleh len...

I'm Back!!

Hye!!!! pertama-tama sekali I nk ucapkan sorry sbb lama dh x tulih....antara 'reason2' nya adalah:-

a)bnyk homework.......tiap2 hari ada homework, tp x palah, practice make perfect!
b)latihan sukan abih kol 6 ptg setiap hari isnin...lagipon hari isnin bnyk citer best.BONES SEASON 4, NCIS dan ......criminal minds season 4!!!!!!!
c)i left my head and my heart on the dance lirik lagu telephone by lady gaga and beyonce...hehe, terlalu obsessed smpai termasuk dlm nie....sorry..

I nk citer psl plan hebat I pd malam besday I, gempak!!!!
tp minuman kegmaran digantikan dgn aiskrim (perisa coklat, jualan murah aiskrim RM 1) ada makanan tmbhn abah beli kt pasar malam, bihun sup....slurrppp....
masa malam tu, I agak terkilan sbb episode criminal minds dier x gempak sgt, tp best tu best citer NCIS best mlm tu....

ok, ini saje, nnt kalo I x bz, dan ada citer panas, I tulih lagi key.....
DODO .....dodo girl (tiru xoxo....gossip girl...hahahehehahaho)